Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Big Day in Court

These photos depict highlights of Elise's 2009 experience in the Wade Edwards High School Mock Trial competition.

Her team had great performances in two rounds of trial. The first round had the team representing the plaintiff, Mr. Rogers who claimed to have suffered health complications as a result of being tazed during his peaceful demonstration at the Utopia Nuclear Power Facility. During this first round, Elise played the role of Jamie Silkwood, a fellow protester with Mr. Rogers and a witness for the plaintiff. Elise won best witness in round 1 for her performance in this role.

During round 2, the team represented the defendant, Officer Eric Estrada of the Utopia Police Department. In this round, Elise played the part of defense attorney for Officer Estrada. Elise won best attorney for her performance in this role.

Suited Up and Ready to Go!
Do We Look Like Attorneys?
Elise Testifying as "Jamie Silkwood"
Fun in the Halls of Justice - taking a break!
Award Ceremony with His Honor

The Multi-Talented 2009 Mock Trial Team