Sunday, September 6, 2009


The first day of school for a really big year! Elise begins her senior year while Greg begins his freshman year!

Fun September Weekend!

Over Labor Day Weekend, we had a belated birthday celebration for my niece Ashley - a brand new teenager! We started the celebration by crowning her as Queen for a Day!

After a brief celebration, we all loaded up in the van for a big adventure in Charlotte! Elise and her cousin Maghan attended the Taylor Swift concert!

While the older girls were occupied with the concert, the rest of us enjoyed the sigts and sounds of Charlotte. We had a short wait for our table at Rock Bottom, so we passed the time with a few pics: Sabrienna and Ashely

After dinner, we walked through Charlotte and enjoyed a live performance by a local band. Greg and Ashely catch a cool breeze!

While waiting outside the concert hall, a Monster truck arrived with lots of Monster drinks to share! This seemed to be the perfect ending for Ashley's big night out!

We exhausted ourselves and retreated to the van to wait for Elise and Maghan after the show. Here they come, much more energized than the rest of us!