Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Elise - #18!

Elise enjoys her reign as Queen for a Day on her 18th Birthday!

All set for a day of Celebration

Guess what's in the big box?!?!

The day continues with lunch, friends, and CAKE!

The Christmas Cruise

Our 2009 Christmas was fun and very unusual.  Grandma and Grandpa took us all on a Carnival Fun Ship Cruise to Key West and Nassau!

Carnival Fascination

Here is a pic of the whole family on the big dress-up night!

Our first day at sea just happened to be my birthday and I was presented with my very own tiara.

Queen for the Day!

All on Deck

Elise and Grandma waiting for the show to start.

Elise and Maghan

Elise and Daddy

Me, Daddy, Momma and my sister Sabrienna

Now, check out the Teens all Glammed Up!

Elise and Greg

Greg and Ashley

Elise and Maghan

The Hausers at the end of a big night!

The next day we left the ship for some fun in Key West, FL

Key West is really very fascinating!

Elise and Maghan looked so glamorous in sunny Key West!

Sabrienna and Maghan getting ready for a fun adventure with us in Key West.


Steve and Greg taking off . . .

Elise and I up in the air . . .

Up so very, very high . . .

And down so very, very low . . .

Steve had us dipped!

Greg's 15!

The month of December is kicked off with Greg's 15th Birthday!

He was thrilled to receive lots of percussion related gifts.

And the most cherished possession of a 15 year old . . .

The Driver's Permit!!